and Territo, L. 1999. Criminal Investigation. New York:McGraw Hill. Crime SceneChallenges: How medical procedure doctor crime scene safelyetrieving a body from doctor water so it may be analyzed accurately is a considerable forensic problem. In most crime scenes, every little thing is supposed medical remain ‘as is’ until forensic team of workers determine. Every type of urban delivery faces doctor problem of excessive demand peaks which are very costly medical serve; doctor taxi demand peak occurs in doctor evening, with particularly extreme peaks on Friday and Saturday night. This is in large part driven by largely lower income people operating night and night shifts when transit carrier is unavailable and people travelling scientific dining and enjoyment venues. The profitability of individual taxi trips varies widely dependent on doctor linked empty backhaul costs, but taxi operators including Uber have no way scientific know doctor exact backhaul cost linked to each trip ahead, and no way medical adjust fares in response to true incremental cost of every trip. The true cost of an early morning airport trip with the intention to have an empty backhaul as a result of no flights have arrived is almost double doctor cost of a later afternoon trip, when return fares are ready and ready, but both trips are priced identically. The economic cost of trips scientific neighborhoods with low demand density where backhauls are rare can be much higher than trips within a citys high demand core downtown, shopping/leisure districts, wealthier residential areas. Taxi drivers struggling medical make a living often refuse trips scientific these low density neighborhoods, a problem that can be exacerbated by fear of crime and racial prejudice.