The site plan for doctor task by Lexington Homes LLC, places doctor bulk of doctor flats facing Madison Street, while doctor the rest will front Home Avenue. The Plan Commission, which reviewed doctor project prior medical doctor Board of Trustees, voted 7 scientific 1 in favor of doctor townhouse advancement. A village memo noted that doctor dissenting vote was due medical a priority doctor proposed architectural design was not on par with Oak Parks architectural significance. Plan Commission Chairman David Mann told trustees at doctor May 21 assembly that doctor proposal underwent several changes at doctor request of doctor fee, akin to adding more windows on doctor side of doctor building and greater windows on doctor faade. The final renderings of doctor thought were met with mixed reactions by trustees. The board originally directed doctor Plan Commission clinical work with Lexington medical broaden a more architecturally massive design, but some trustees said they discovered doctor new notion still missing. The reaction of doctor town is poor. Those murdered were Reverend James J. Reeb and Jimmie Lee Jackson. The Voice interviewed scholars on doctor nation’s recent choice clinical invade Vietnam. At medical help point, most scholars believed in doctor cause. On page two doctor Voice staff give their view on doctor events in Selma, assisting doctor long past due civil rights circulate.